- Lot 168

Lot 168
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Result : 914EUR
- Lot 168
MATHEMATICIANS About 270 letters or documents, most of them L.A.S. to Charles-Ange LAISANT, 1870-1917. Charles-Ange LAISANT (1841-1920), a polytechnician, was a soldier, then a member of parliament; he then devoted himself to teaching mathematics at Sainte-Barbe and at Polytechnique. He founded L'Intermédiaire des mathématiques, was editor of Nouvelles Annales de mathématiques, and president of the Société mathématique de France]. A. Achard (ms Notes sur les carrés magiques impairs), Robert d'Adhémar (7), Cristoforo Alasia, Xavier Antomari (5), Paul Appell (6, evoking the Commmission de l'enseignement mathématique), H. van Aubel, Léon Autonne, Jorge d'Avillez, Léon Ballif (3), Édouard Barbette (2), Ernest Barisien (3), Ernesto Bellavitis (8), Alphonse Béligne (20), Eugenio Beltrami, Wooster Beman, Charles Berdellé (9, long, with formulas, diagrams, and D'une notation nouvelle à introduire à propos des racines), Robert Bernstein, Alexis Bertrand, Rodolfo Bettarzi, Charles Bioche, O. Böklen, E. Bonnet (8), P. Bories, François Borletti, Jean Bouchary (4, including a Nouvelle démonstration d'un théorème de Géométrie), Maurice Boucher (4), François Bouny, Justin Bourget (3), Carlo Bourlet (4), Angel Bozal Obejero (3), Leopold Friedrich Braude, Antoine Bréguet (3, including a note on Hart's Reciprocator System), A. Bretin (on the limits of the laws of mechanics), Raoul Bricard (5, relating to the Nouvelles Annales de mathématiques), Henri Brocard (19, including demonstrations), Georges Brunel, Pietro Buffa, Adolphe Buhl (3), Auguste Bureau (including an algebraic demonstration), Eugène Cahen, Giacomo Candido (3), Pierre Carissan (including a Mechanical Description of the logarithmic spiral), Georg Cantor (5), Maurice Cantor, Giuseppe Carniglia, F. Caspary (4), Eugène Catalan, Arthur Cayley, Tito Cazzaniga, J.-Camille Chaigneau, Édouard Collignon, Gaston Combebiac (3), Gustave de Coninck, N. Cor (10), Luigi Cremona (3), Emanuel Czuber, Gaston Darboux (3), Franz Deuticke, Édouard Dewulf, F. Didon (4, with formulas and diagrams), Émilien Douillet, Arnold Droz-Farny, Gustave Dumas (3), L. Gustav Du Pasquier, Maurice-Francis Egan (3), Eugène Estanave (7), Ferdinand Farjon (5), Henri Fehr (14), R. Félès (5, including tables of diabolic and panmagic squares), Georges Fontené (5), Georges Fouret, Edmond Francken, Charles François, General Frolov, Maurice Fréchet, Artemas Martin, etc.
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