[LAMARTINE Alphonse de (1790-1869)]. - Lot 137

Lot 137
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[LAMARTINE Alphonse de (1790-1869)]. - Lot 137
[LAMARTINE Alphonse de (1790-1869)]. Correspondence received by Lamartine, N-Q, about 260 letters, mostly L.A.S. (some to Mme de Lamartine), 1813-1864. Gustave NADAUD (1862, with minute of letter from Lamartine), Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte the future NAPOLEON III (Ham 2 February 1846), Gustave NAQUET (2, 1848-1859), Émilie duchesse de NARBONNE (5, 1829-1830), Joseph NAUDET, Alfred NETTEMENT (1853), Eugénie NIBOYET (3, 1842-1863), Gio. Batista NICCOLINI (2, 1827-1841), Désiré NISARD (3), Paul duc de NOAILLES (3, 1835-1841), Charles NODIER (22, 1823-1837, very beautiful literary correspondence), C.P. NORMANBY (2), Alfred NOTHOMB (1862), Sophie Krüdener d'OCHANDO (1835, long mystical letter), F. d'OLINCOURT (1851), Sophie princesse d'ORANGE, Queen of Holland (6, 1845- 1863), Pierre-Casimir ORDINAIRE (5, one of which with a sketch, 1843-1847, on the organization of the banquet of Mâcon), Alfred comte d'ORSAY (11, 1843-1852, on his bust of Lamartine), maréchal OUDINOT (1845), etc. Jean-Pierre PAGÈS de l'Ariège (3, 1835-1839), Henrion de PANSEY (1825, with the viscountess of Pernety), baron PAPION du CHÂTEAU, Charles chevalier de PARAVEY (2, 1838-1855), Paulin PARIS (1847), Amédée de PARSEVAL (1847), Dr Jean-Marie PASCAL (3, 1846-1848), Martin PASCHOUD (23, 1844-1865), Étienne PASQUIER (1841), Hippolyte PASSY (2, 1833- 1849), Amédée de PASTORET (4, 1850-1855), Jules PAUTET (1849), Jean-Baptiste PAYER (4, 1847-1851), Eugène PELLETAN (18, 1844- 1863), Silvio PELLICO (1838, under glass), Henry de PÈNE, Léocadie PENQUER (1864), François-Alexandre PERNOT (1835, on his paintings at the City Hall), Victor duc de PERSIGNY (1861), Anselme PETETIN (5, 1843- 1861), Ulysse PIC (1849), Amédée PICHOT (4, 1849-1860), PIE IX (1860, under glass), Nina de PIERRECLAU (1849), PILOTELL (1867), PITRE-CHEVALIER (1861), Gustave PLANCHE (1836), Léon PLÉE (3, 1858-1859), Jules prince de POLIGNAC (1829), Jean-Baptiste Sanson de PONGERVILLE (2, 1836 and 1852), François PONSARD (22, 1843-1847), Dr. Antoine PORTAL (1813), Archimède POUCHET (1848), Jean-Joseph POUJOULAT (10, 1834- 1863, on the East), James PRADIER, Edgar QUINET (10, 1836-1863), etc. Provenance: archives of Saint-Point. Bibliography: Marie-Renée Morin, Lettres à Lamartine. Les enjeux de la célébrité (2012, p. 53, and 211-238).
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