JAURÈS Jean (1859-1914) homme politique. 2... - Lot 173 - Drouot Estimations

Lot 173
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JAURÈS Jean (1859-1914) homme politique. 2... - Lot 173 - Drouot Estimations
JAURÈS Jean (1859-1914) homme politique. 2 autograph MANUSCRIPTS signed "Jean Jaurès", [November 1905]; 29 pages in-4 and 10 pages and a half in-fol. Two articles published in L'Humanité on the Russian Revolution of October 1905. Strike and Revolution (November 5, 1905). "Pouget is right to note, in the Voice of the People, that the general strike played a great role in the Russian Revolution. Or rather, it is in the whole European Revolution that it appears as a powerful means of action. [...] it is to the general strike of the Russian workers that the capitulation of tsarism is due for a large part. Yes, those who understood, those who announced many years ago that the working class could by a vast concerted refusal of work frighten and shake the powers of reaction, and of privilege, those were right. The general strike is a natural and necessary consequence of the economic movement. The concentration of industrial life invites the working class more and more to general decisions. By momentarily refusing its labor power to a society it condemns or to a regime it abhors, it throws disorder into the mechanism it wants to break. It warns the privileged classes that society is precarious and false, not having as its basis the sovereignty of labor. [...] The general strike was only possible and effective because the revolts of opinion and the direct protests of the proletariat had already dislocated the old autocratic regime. [...] The general strike is no longer a substitute for political rights for the proletariat. The proletariat cannot abandon, for the benefit of the general strike, the conquest of political power by universal suffrage, since it is precisely to conquer universal suffrage, where it does not yet have it, that it uses the general strike. [...] When the French working class interprets the revolutionary events in Russia, it must not forget for a moment that it has universal suffrage, which the Russian proletariat is trying to wrest from tsarism. It is thus in very different conditions that the general strike would be exercised in France. [But it will be effective only if it is harmonized with all the proletarian action having the universal suffrage. The action by the general strike, the action by the universal suffrage must be combined "... Agony barbaric [original title crossed out: Barbarie] (November 7, 1905). "Russian dispatches, from official or unofficial sources, announce that the horrible exploits of the black bands are coming to an end. Is this true? In any case, the dying tsarism feels the need to disarm a little the growing indignation of the civilized world. For it is its agents, its policemen, and its journalists who are leading the abominable cutthroats and arsonists into battle. It is in the name of the Czar, it is to avenge him of the Revolution that official murderers assassinate the Jews, and set fire to a house where they locked up thousands of demonstrators who demanded a popular Constitution and universal suffrage. [...] But perhaps Tsarism itself is powerless today to control the bands of wild beasts which it has long since fed and trained to murder. When the Jews were massacred at Kishinev, it was the result of long and skilful excitements by journalists in the devotion of Plehve, by policemen who played his game. It was a tactic of the autocracy to divert the anger of the suffering people against the Jews. It may be that this tactic is now succeeding even beyond the expectations of tsarism. It may be that after having preached to the people the hatred of the Jew, of the intellectual, of the revolutionary, the autocracy will no longer be able to repress and hold in check these savage instincts, even at the moment when it is resigned to a new regime. [...] There is no salvation for Russia except in the fullness of the Revolution, that is, in the convocation of a Constituent Assembly, freely and directly elected by the entire people.
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